Teerachai Chantarojanasiri
Independent Director, Chairman of Nomination Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee, Chairman of the Audit Committee
Age74 years
- Bachelor’s degree in clinical science (pediatrics) , Mahidol University, Thailand
- Certificate in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (Pediatrics), The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Date of Appointment as Director24 January 2022
Family Relationship among Directors and Executives
equivalent to 0.00%
- Personal: 100,000 shares
- Spouse: -0-
- Minor children: -0-
Remarks: * Number of shares held and % shareholding as of December 30, 2024 of the total of 3,000,000,000 shares.

Positions in other listed companies
2018 - PresentChairman and Chairman of The Audit Committee, Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd.
Positions in other organizations
1981 - PresentDirector, Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute Hospital
Position in other organizations that have conflicts to the Company
Training/Seminar Course related to Directorship
- Directors Accreditation Program Organized (DAP 147/2018), Thai Institute of Directors Association
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